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Valued Customers, due to the recent viral breakouts CannaMedicine wants to assure you we are taking precautions for a safe and healthy shopping environment by disinfecting all surfaces, restrooms and door handles hourly.
Please do your part wear a "mask" and stay home if you have a cough or fever!
Thank you sincerely CannaMedicine Crew
Estimados clientes, en CannaMedicine se han tomado todas las precauciones de higiene para un saludable ambiente en la clínica. Por favor usa tu "mascarilla" si tiene "tos y fiebre" ayúdenos estando en casa hasta que se alivie. Gracias por su preferencia. Atentamente CannaMedicine
We are an Oregon Recreational Marijuana Dispensary also offering Medical Grade Products. High quality cannabis products of all types at the lowest prices in Salem and Newport. We have daily specials . With the recreational marijuana rules now in place we WELCOME RECREATIONAL USERS! If you have an OMMP card, you will be able to retain your medical costs and receive 10% off extra at purchase.